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Xeljanz Redesign Project: 

Business+User Goal ---> Ideation --->UX Research  &Analysis ---> Wire-framing---> Usability Testing ---> Client Demo 




Xeljanz Redesign Project: 


Below is the registration experience for the multi indication drug treatment Xeljanz. The registration experience was created for the Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Ulcerative Colitis patients so that they can get more information about the treatment. This combined experience will live on the web as well the mobile site. Below example shows just the mobile-first experience that was created.


This project started off with mapping client needs. Followed by brainstorming, white-boarding, and ideation sessions. Followed by competitive analysis, gathering current site data, and applying the results to create a wholesome experience. Lastly, I created an Axure wireframe and prototype. We then wrote tasks and scenarios for the usability test. Currently, these stimuli's are in usability testing.


Below: Screen capture of the Axure wireframe for the registration experience.

Right: Demo of the prototype for the registration experience

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